Ques 1.What is android ?
Android is a stack of
software for mobile devices which has Operating System middleware and some key
applications. The application executes within its own process and its own
instance of Dalvik Virtual Machine. Many Virtual Machines run efficiently by a
DVM device. DVM executes Java language byte code which later transforms into
.dex format files.
Ques 2.Explain the
Architecture of Android ?
-> Applications
(Home Contacts Browser Phone etc)
-> Application
Framework (Activity Manager Window Manager Content Providers View System
Package manager
manager Resource manager Notification manager Location manager)
-> System
Libraries (Like SurfaceManager SQLite webkit SSL SGL OpenGL|ES Media
Framework Free Type libc etc) & Android Runtime( Core Libraries and DVM).
-> Linux
Kernel (which composed of drivers like display camera Flash Memory
Binder(IPC) Keypad Wi-Fi Audio Power
Management etc.)
Ques 3.What are the advantages
of Android ?
Following are the advantages of Android:
The customer
will be benefited from wide range of mobile applications to choose since the
monopoly of wireless carriers like AT&T and Orange will be broken by Google
Features like
weather details live RSS feeds opening screen icon on the opening screen can be
products like the location-aware services location of a nearby convenience
store etc. are some of the additive facilities in Android. Components can be
reused and replaced by the application framework.
Optimized DVM
for mobile devices
SQLite enables
to store the data in a structured manner.
Supports GSM
telephone and Bluetooth WiFi 3G and EDGE technologies
The development
is a combination of a device emulator debugging tools memory profiling and
plug-in for Eclipse IDE.
Ques 4. What are the
components of Android ?
Activities: It displays
the UI and handles the user interaction to the smart-phone screen.
Services: It handle
background processing without display any UI associated with an application.
It provide communication between Android OS and applications.
It handle data processing and database management issues.
Ques 5. What is an
activity ?
Ans. A single screen
in an application with supporting Java code.
An activity
presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can
For example an
activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might
display photographs along with their captions.
An activity is
implemented as a subclass of Activity class as follows:
public class
MainActivity extends Activity { }
Ques 6. What is life
cycle of Activity ?
· onCreate() This is the first callback and called when the activity is
first created.
· onStart() This callback is called when the activity becomes visible
to the user.
· onResume() This is called when the user starts interacting with the
· onPause() The paused activity does not receive user input and cannot
execute any code and called when the
current activity is being paused and the previous activity is being resumed.
· onStop() This
callback is called when the activity is no longer visible.
· onDestroy() This callback is called before the activity is destroyed by the
onRestart() This callback is called when the activity
restarts after stopping it.
Ques 7. What is service
A service is an application
component that can run some long running task in the background without the
need for a user interface. Some other application component can start the
service and this service will then keep on running even if the user switches to
another application. It can declare the service as private in the manifest file
and block access from other applications. A service runs in the main thread of its
hosting process—the service does not create its own thread and does not run in
a separate process. To
ensure your app is secure always use an explicit intent when starting or
binding your Service and do not declare intent filters for the service.
For example a
service might play background music as the user attends to other matters or it
might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result
to activities that need it.Each service extends the Service base class.
public class
MyService extends Service { }
A service can
essentially take two states:
Started: A service is started when an application
component such as an activity starts it by calling startService(). Once started
a service can run in the background indefinitely even if the component that
started it is destroyed.
Bound: A service is bound when an application
component binds to it by calling bindService(). A bound service offers a
client-server interface that allows components to interact with the service
send requests get results and even do so across processes with interprocess
communication (IPC).
Ques 8. What is life
cycle of service ?
This you must
call to start un-bounded serviec
This method is
Called when the service is first created
intent int flags int startId)
This method is
called when service is started
This method you
must call if you want to bind with activity
This method is
Called when the service will un-binded from activity
This method is
called when you want to Re-bind service after calling un-bind method
This method is
called when The service is no longer used and is being destroyed
Ques 9. What is
broadcast receiver ?
Receivers simply respond to broadcast messages from other applications or from
the system. A broadcast
receiver is implemented as a subclass of BroadcastReceiver class and each
message is broadcasted as an Intent object.
public class
MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { }
Ques 10. What is content
provider ?
A content
provider component supplies data from one application to others on request.
Such requests are handled by the methods of the ContentResolver class. The data
may be stored in the file system the database or somewhere else entirely.
A content
provider is implemented as a subclass of ContentProvider class and must
implement a standard set of APIs that enable other applications to perform
public class
MyContentProvider extends
ContentProvider { }
Ques 11. What are the
addition components of Android?
Fragments: Represents a
behavior or a portion of user interface in an Activity.
Views: UI elements
that are drawn onscreen including buttons lists forms etc.
Layouts: View
hierarchies that control screen format and appearance of the views.
Intents: Messages
wiring components together.
Resources: External
elements such as strings constants and drawables pictures.
Manifest: Configuration
file for the application.
Ques 12.What are
fragments in Android Activity ?
Ans. Fragment
represents a behavior or a portion of user interface in an Activity. And it is
a self-contained component with its own UI and lifecycle.
Ques 13. What is life
cycle of fragment ?
Ans. Android
fragments have their own life cycle very similar to an android activity. This
section briefs different stages of its life cycle.
Phase I: When a fragment
gets created it goes through the following states:
Phase II: When the
fragment becomes visible it goes through these states:
Phase III: When the
fragment goes into the background mode it goes through these states:
Phase IV: When the
fragment is destroyed it goes through the following states:
Ques 14. Difference
between Activity and FragmentActivity ?
Ans. Fragment is a
part of an activity which contributes its own UI to that activity. Fragment can
be thought like a sub activity. Where as the complete screen with which user
interacts is called as activity. An activity can contain multiple
fragments.Fragments are mostly a sub part of an activity.
An activity may
contain 0 or multiple number of fragments based on the screen size. A fragment
can be reused in multiple activities so it acts like a reusable component in
A fragment can't
exist independently. It should be always part of an activity. Where as activity
can exist without any fragment in it.
Following are
important points about fragment:
A fragment has
its own layout and its own behavior with its own lifecycle callbacks.
You can add or
remove fragments in an activity while the activity is running.
You can combine
multiple fragments in a single activity to build a multi-pane UI.
A fragment can
be used in multiple activities.
Fragment life
cycle is closely related to the lifecycle of its host activity.
when the
activity is paused all the fragments available in the acivity will also be
A fragment can
implement a behavior that has no user interface component.
Fragments were
added to the Android API in Honeycomb version of Android which API version 11.
Ques 15. What is
view ?
Ans. View is the base class for widgets which
are used to create interactive UI components like buttons text fields etc.
Ques 16. What is layout ?
Ans. A layout
may contain any type of widgets such as buttons labels textboxes and so on.
Ques 17. What is intent
Ans. Intent is an object carrying an
intent i.e. message that is passed between components (such as activities
content providers broadcast receivers services etc. except for content
Provider) within the application or outside the application.
It is mainly
used to:
Start the service
Launch an
Display a web
Display a list
of contacts
Broadcast a
Dial a phone
call etc.
Ques 18.How many type
of Intent ?
Ans. Two types
of Intent:
implicit and
Explicit Intent: Explicit
Intent specifies the component. In such case intent provides the external
targeted activity or class to be invoked.
// Explicit
Intent by specifying its class name
Intent i = new
Intent(this TargetActivity.class);
i.putExtra(key1 Name);
i.putExtra(key2 Emil);
// Starts
Implicit Intent:
Implicit Intent
doesn't specifiy the component. In such case intent provides information of
available components provided by the system that is to be invoked. Implicit intents are often used to
activate components in other applications
// Implicit
Intent by specifying a URI
Intent i = new
// Starts
Implicit Activity
Ques 19. What is
resource ?
Ans. Resources like static content
that code uses such as bitmaps colors layout definitions user interface strings
animation instructions and more. These resources are always maintained
separately in various sub-directories under res/ directory of the project.
Ques 20. What is
manifest ?
Ans. The components and settings of an
Android application are described in the AndroidManifest.xml file. Before
running any application code has to mention required permission activity
services receiver etc in manifest file.
file is read by the Android system during installation of the application. The
Android system evaluates this configuration file and determines the
capabilities of the application.
Ques 21. What is
viewGroup ?
Ans. The ViewGroup is
a subclass of View and provides invisible container that hold
other Views or other ViewGroups and define their layout properties.
Ques 22. What are the
types of layout ?
Ans. There are
number of Layouts provided by Android which you will use in almost all the
Android applications to provide different view look and feel.
Linear Layout: LinearLayout is
a view group that aligns all children in a single direction vertically or
Relative Layout:
is a view group that displays child views in relative positions.
Table Layout: TableLayout is
a view that groups views into rows and columns.
Absolute Layout :AbsoluteLayout
enables you to specify the exact location of its children.
Frame Layout :The
FrameLayout is a placeholder on screen that you can use to display a single
List View :ListView is a
view group that displays a list of scrollable items.
Grid View : GridView is a
ViewGroup that displays items in a two-dimensional scrollable grid.
Ques 23. Explain about
the exceptions of Android ?
Ans. The following
are the exceptions that are supported by Android
: When an error conditions are occurred this exception is thrown
When a surface is not created or resized this exception is thrown
This exception is thrown from the lockCanvas() method when invoked on a Surface
This exception is thrown at the time of trying to add view an invalid
Ques 24. Describe the
APK format
Ans. The APK file is
compressed the AndroidManifest.xml file application code (.dex files) resource
files and other files. A project is compiled into a single .apk file.
Ques 25. What is .apk
extension ?
Ans. The extension
for an Android package file which typically contains all of the files related
to a single Android application. The file itself is a compressed collection of
an AndroidManifest.xml file application code (.dex files) resource files and
other files. A project is compiled into a single .apk file.
Ques 26. What is .dex
Ans. Android programs
are compiled into .dex (Dalvik Executable) files which are in turn zipped into
a single .apk file on the device. .dex files can be created by automatically
translating compiled applications written in the Java programming language.
Is the
innovative web software and mobile application development company which
provides services across the country by expert team of software engineers at
reasonable cost.
Ques 27. How to Remove
Desktop icons and Widgets ?
Ans. Press and Hold
the icon or widget. The phone will vibrate and on the bottom of the phone you
will see anoption to remove. While still holding the icon or widget drag it to
the remove button. Once remove turns red drop the item and it is gone
Ques 28. Describe a
real time scenario where android can be used ?
Ans .Imagine a
situation that you are in a country where no one understands the language you
speak and you can not read or write. However you have mobile phone with you.
Ques 29. What languages
does Android support for application development ?
applications are written using the Java programming language.
Ques 30. What is the
Android Open Source Project ?
Ans. We use the
phrase Android Open Source Project or AOSP to refer to the people the processes
and the source code that make up Android.
Ques31. What is the
latest Facebook SDK version?
Facebook Android
SDK 3.22
Ques32. What is the
latest PayPal SDK version?
PayPal Android
SDK Release 2.8.4 one month ago
Ques 33. What is the
latest Twitter SDK version?
Twitter twitter4j
Android SDK Release Latest version: 1.1.1 one month ago
Ques 34. Why did we
open the Android source code?
Google started
the Android project in response to our own experiences launching mobile apps.
We wanted to make sure that there would always be an open platform available
for carriers OEMs and developers to use to make their innovative ideas a
reality. We also wanted to make sure that there was no central point of failure
so that no single industry player could restrict or control the innovations of
any other. The single most important goal of the Android Open-Source Project
(AOSP) is to make sure that the open-source Android software is implemented as
widely and compatibly as possible to everyone’s benefit.
Ques 35. Why cannot
you run standard Java bytecode on Android?
Android uses
Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) which requires a special bytecode. We need to
convert Java class files into Dalvik Executable files using an Android tool
called dx. In normal circumstances developers will not be using this tool
directly and build tools will care for the generation of DVM compatible files.
Ques 36. Can you
deploy executable JARs on Android? Which packaging is supported by Android?
No. Android
platform does not support JAR deployments. Applications are packed into Android
Package (.apk) using Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt) and then deployed on
to Android platform. Google provides Android Development Tools for Eclipse that
can be used to generate Android Package.
Ques 37. Android application
can only be programmed in Java?
False. You can
program Android apps in C/C++ using NDK .
Ques 38. What is an
The Intent
Sender desires something or doing some task
Ques 39. What are
Dalvik Executable files?
Executable files have .dex extension and are zipped into a single .apk file on
the device.
Ques 40. How does
Android system track the applications?
Android system
assigns each application a unique ID that is called Linux user ID. This ID is
used to track each application.
Ques 41. When does
Android start and end an application process?
Android starts
an application process when application's component needs to be executed. It
then closes the process when it's no longer needed (garbage collection).
Ques 42. How can two
Android applications share same Linux user ID and share same VM?
The applications
must sign with the same certificate in order to share same Linux user ID and
share same VM.
Ques 43. What is an
class (Intent)
which describes what a caller desires to do. The caller will send this intent
to Android's intent resolver which finds the most suitable activity for the
intent. E.g. opening a PDF document is an intent and the Adobe Reader apps will
be the perfect activity for that intent (class).
Ques 44. What is
a Sticky Intent?
Sticky Intent is
also a type of Intent which allows a communication between a function and a
service sendStickyBroadcast() performs a sendBroadcast(Intent) known as sticky
i.e. the Intent you are sending stays around after the broadcast is complete so
that others can quickly retrieve that data through the return value of
registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver IntentFilter). In all other ways this
behaves the same as sendBroadcast(Intent). One example of a sticky broadcast
sent via the operating system is ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. When you call
registerReceiver() for that action -- even with a null BroadcastReceiver -- you
get the Intent that was last broadcast for that action. Hence you can use this
to find the state of the battery without necessarily registering for all future
state changes in the battery.
Ques 45. How the
nine-patch Image different from a regular bitmap? Alternatively what is the
difference between nine-patch Image vs regular Bitmap Image?
Ans .It is one
of a resizable bitmap resource which is being used as backgrounds or other
images on the device. The NinePatch class allows drawing a bitmap in nine
sections. The four corners are unscaled; the middle of the image is scaled in
both axes the four edges are scaled into one axis.
Ques 46. What is a
Ans. user
defined JSON XML bitmap or other file injected into the application build
process which can later be loaded from code.
Ques 47.Does
Android support the Bluetooth serial port profile?Does Android support the
Bluetooth serial port profile?
Ans. Yes.
Ques 48. How to
Translate in Android?
Ans. The Google
translator translates the data of one language into another language by using
XMPP to transmit data. You can type the message in English and select the
language which is understood by the citizens of the country in order to reach
the message to the citizens.
Ques 49. What
dialog boxes are supported in Android ?Android supports 4 dialog boxes:
AlertDialog: An
alert dialog box supports 0 to 3 buttons and a list of selectable elements
including check boxes and radio buttons. Among the other dialog boxes the most
suggested dialog box is the alert dialog box.
This dialog box displays a progress wheel or a progress bar. It is an extension
of AlertDialog and supports adding buttons.
This dialog box is used for selecting a date by the user.
This dialog box is used for selecting time by the user.
Ques 50.Features of
framework enabling reuse and replacement of components
Dalvik virtual
machine optimized for mobile devices
browser based on the open source WebKit engine
graphics powered by a custom 2D graphics library; 3D graphics based on the
OpenGL ES 1.0 specification (hardware acceleration optional)
SQLite for
structured data storage
Media support
for common audio video and still image formats (MPEG4 H.264 MP3 AAC AMR JPG PNG
GSM Telephony
(hardware dependent)
Bluetooth EDGE
3G and WiFi (hardware dependent)
Camera GPS
compass and accelerometer (hardware dependent)
Rich development
environment including a device emulator tools for debugging memory and
performance profiling and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE.
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Android Interview Question Answer |
Ques 51.What is an
Application ?
Ans. Collection
of one or more activities services listeners and intent receivers. An
application has a single manifest and is compiled into a single .apk file on
the device.
Ques 52.What is a
Content Provider ?
Ans. A class
built on ContentProvider that handles content query strings of a specific
format to return data in a specific format. See Reading and writing data to a
content provider for information on using content providers.
Ques 53. What is a
Dalvik ?
Ans. The name of
Android’s virtual machine. The Dalvik VM is an interpreter-only virtual machine
that executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format a format that is
optimized for efficient storage and memory-mappable execution. The virtual
machine is register-based and it can run classes compiled by a Java language
compiler that have been transformed into its native format using the included dx
tool. The VM runs on top of Posix-compliant operating systems which it relies
on for underlying functionality (such as threading and low level memory
management). The Dalvik core class library is intended to provide a familiar
development base for those used to programming with Java Standard Edition but
it is geared specifically to the needs of a small mobile device.
Ques 54.What is an
Ans. Dalvik
Debug Monitor Service a GUI debugging application shipped with the SDK. It
provides screen capture log dump and process examination capabilities.
Ques 55.What is
Ans. A compiled
visual resource that can be used as a background title or other part of the
screen. It is compiled into an android.graphics.drawable subclass.
Ques 56. Android
latest Version?
Ans. Android
5.1(Android L)
Ques 57.How many
ways data stored in Android?
Ques 58. Types of
Android applications?
Ques 59. Android
Development Tools?
Ans. The Android
SDK and Virtual Device Manager Used to create and manage Android Virtual
Devices (AVD) and SDK packages.
The Android
Emulator An implementation of the Android virtual machine designed to run
within a virtual device on your development computer. Use the emulator to test
and debug your Android applications.
Dalvik Debug
Monitoring Service(DDMS) Use the DDMS perspective to monitor and control the
Dalvik virtual machines on which your debugging your application.
Android Asset
Packaging Tool(AAPT) Constructs the destributable Android packages files
Android Debug
Bridge(ADB) A client-server application that provedes a link to a running
emulator.It lets you copy files install compiled application packages(.apk)and
run shell commands.
Ques 60.Implicit
Intents and Late Runtime Binding?
Ans. An implicit
Intent is mechanism that lets anonymous application components service action
That means you
can ask the system to launch an Activity that can perform a given action
without knowing which application or Activity will do so.
Ques 61. What are
Native Android Actions?
Ans. Native
Android applications also use Intents to launch Activities and sub Activities
Opens an Activity that handles immediately initiates a call using the number
supplied in the Intent URI. Genereally it's considered better from to use
ACTION_DIAL if possible.
Starts an Activity hat lets you delete the data specified at that Intent's data
Brings up a dialer application with the number to dial pre-populated from the
Intent URI. By default this is handled by the native Android phone dialer.
Requests an Activity that can edit that data at the specified Intent URI.
Ques 62.What is
Pending Intent?
PendingIntent class provides a mechanism for creating Intents that can be fired
by another application at a later time. A pending Intent is commonly used to
package an Intent will be fired in response to a future eventsuch as a widget
View being clicked or a Notification being selected from the notification
Ques 63. What is
Ans. Adapter are
bridging classes that bind data to Views(such as List Views) used in the user
The adapter is
responsible for creating for creating the child Views used to represent each
item within
the parent View
and providing access to the underlying data.
Ques 64.What is
In-app Billing?
Ans. In-app Billing
on Google Play provides a straightforward simple interface for sending In-app
Billing requests and managing In-app Billing transactions using Google Play. Google Play app then conveys
billing requests and responses between your application and the Google Play
In practice your
application never directly communicates with the Google Play server. Instead
your application sends billing requests to the Google Play application over
interprocess communication (IPC) and receives responses from the Google Play
app. Your application does not manage any network connections between itself
and the Google Play server.
In-app Billing
can be implemented only in applications that you publish through Google Play.
To complete in-app purchase requests the Google Play app must be able to access
the Google Play server over the network.
In-app billing
Version 3 is the latest version supported on devices running Android 2.2 or
higher that have the latest version of the Google Play store installed.
Ques 65. What are
the steps to implement In-app Billing?
Ans. To implement
In-app Billing in your application you need to do the following:
Add the In-app
Billing library to your project.
Update your
AndroidManifest.xml file.
Create a
ServiceConnection and bind it to IInAppBillingService.
Send In-app
Billing requests from your application to IInAppBillingService.
Handle In-app
Billing responses from Google Play.
To give your app
the necessary permission:
android:name=com.android.vending.BILLING />
Ques 66. What is Web
Ans. A web service
is a standard for exchanging information between different types of
applications irrespective of language and platform. For example an android
application can interact with java or .net application using web services.
Ques 67. Describe
Android XML parsing using SAX parser ?
Ans. Android
provides the facility to parse the xml file using SAX DOM etc. parsers. The SAX
parser cannot be used to create the XML file It can be used to parse the xml
file only.
Advantage of SAX
Parser over DOM
It consumes less
memory than DOM.
Ques 68. Describe
Android XML parsing using DOM parser ?
Ans. We can parse
the xml document by dom parser also. It can be used to create and parse the xml
Advantage of DOM
Parser over SAX
It can be used
to create and parse the xml file both but SAX parser can only be used to parse
the xml file.
Disadvantage of
DOM Parser over SAX
It consumes more
memory than SAX.
Ques 69. Describe
Android XMLPullParser ?
Ans. Android
recommends to use XMLPullParser to parse the xml file than SAX and DOM because
it is fast.
org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser interface provides the functionality to parse the
XML document using XMLPullParser.
Events of
The next()
method of XMLPullParser moves the cursor pointer to the next event. Generally
we use four constants (works as the event) defined in the XMLPullParser
XML start tag was read.
TEXT :Text
content was read; the text content can be retrieved using the getText() method.
END_TAG : An end
tag was read.
more events are available
Ques 70. Describe
about Android JSON Parser ?
(Javascript Object Notation) is a programming language . It is minimal textual
and a subset of JavaScript. It is an alternative to XML.
Android provides
support to parse the JSON object and array.
Advantage of
JSON is faster
and easier than xml for AJAX applications.
Unlike XML it is
shorter and quicker to read and write.
It uses array.
Ques 71. What is
Ans. SOAP stands for Simple Object Access
SOAP is a
communication protocol
SOAP is for
communication between applications
SOAP is a format
for sending messages
communicates via Internet
SOAP is platform
SOAP is language
SOAP is based on
SOAP is simple
and extensible
SOAP allows you
to get around firewalls
SOAP is a W3C
Ques 72. Why SOAP?
Ans. It is
important for application development to allow Internet communication between
applications communicate using Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) between objects
like DCOM and CORBA but HTTP was not designed for this. RPC represents a
compatibility and security problem; firewalls and proxy servers will normally
block this kind of traffic.
A better way to
communicate between applications is over HTTP because HTTP is supported by all
Internet browsers and servers. SOAP was created to accomplish this.
SOAP provides a
way to communicate between applications running on different operating systems
with different technologies and programming languages.
Ques 73. What is
Ans. WSDL stands
for Web Services Description Language
WSDL is written
in XML
WSDL is an XML
WSDL is used to
describe Web services
WSDL is also
used to locate Web services
WSDL is a W3C
Document Structure
A WSDL document
describes a web service using these major elements:
Element Description
<types> A container for data type definitions used
by the web service
<message> A typed definition of the data being
<portType> A set of operations supported by one
or more endpoints
<binding> A protocol and data format specification for a
particular port type
Ques 74. What is
difference between Service and Intent service?
When to use?
The Service can
be used in tasks with no UI but shouldn't be too long. If you need to perform
long tasks you must use threads within Service.
IntentService can be used in long tasks usually with no communication to Main
Thread. If communication is required can use Main Thread handler or broadcast
intents. Another case of use is when callbacks are needed (Intent triggered
tasks). This
is a subclass of Service that uses a worker thread to handle all start requests
one at a time. This is the best option if you don't require that your service
handle multiple requests simultaneously. All you need to do is implement
onHandleIntent() which receives the intent for each start request so you can do
the background work.
How to trigger?
The Service is
triggered by calling method startService().
The IntentService
is triggered using an Intent it spawns a new worker thread and the method
onHandleIntent() is called on this thread.
Triggered From
The Service and
IntentService may be triggered from any thread activity or other application
Runs On
The Service runs
in background but it runs on the Main Thread of the application.
IntentService runs on a separate worker thread.
Limitations /
The Service may
block the Main Thread of the application.
IntentService cannot run tasks in parallel. Hence all the consecutive intents
will go into the message queue for the worker thread and will execute
When to stop?
If you implement
a Service it is your responsibility to stop the service when its work is done
by calling stopSelf() or stopService(). (If you only want to provide binding
you don't need to implement this method).
IntentService stops the service after all start requests have been handled so
you never have to call stopSelf().
Ques 75. What is
database version?
Ans. Database
version specify the current database version which is used.It can be increased
through change the database schema using onUpgrade() method or drop the
existing database and recreate it using onCreate() method.
Ques 76. What is
difference between version code and version number in android manifest?
code(android:versionCode)-Version code represents the version of the
application code relative to other versions(means previous .apk release
version).For example at the first release of .apk of app is 1 then after
modification or add any new feature in your app at that time release .apk
version code will be 2.
Name(android:versionName)- It is a string value that represent the release version of application code system
does not use this value for any internal purpose.
For example: 1.0
or 1.0.0 formate
VersionName 1.0
> VersionCode 1
VersionName 1.1
> VersionCode 2
VersionName 1.2
> VersionCode 3
VersionName 2.0
> VersionCode 4
Ques 77.What is minSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion and maxSdkVersion?
minSdkVersion(android:minSdkVersion) — The minimum version of the Android
platform on which the application will run specified by the platform's API
Level identifier.
— Specifies the API Level on which the application is designed to run. In some
cases this allows the application to use manifest elements or behaviors defined
in the target API Level rather than being restricted to using only those
defined for the minimum API Level.
— The maximum version of the Android platform on which the application is
designed to run specified by the platform's API Level identifier.
Ques 78. what is
difference between intent and intent filter in android?
Ans. Intent:Intent
is an object carrying an intent i.e. message that is passed between components
(such as activities content providers broadcast receivers services etc. except
for contentProvider) within the application or outside the application.
Intent filter specifies the type of intents it accepts based on the intent's
action data and category.Each intent filter is defined by an
<intent-filter> element in the app's manifest file.An intent filter is
not a secure way to prevent other apps from starting your components. Although
intent filters restrict a component to respond to only certain kinds of
implicit intents
Ques 79. what is
Ans. AdMob is a
leading global mobile advertising network that helps app developers monetize
and promote their mobile and tablet apps with ads.
Ques 80. Difference
between Log and System.out.println?
Ans. if we want
to trace the android project
we can do it
using Log class
there is some
methods like
Its a static
method of Utils package. put it line by line and u can watch it in the LogCat..
thats at enjoy
with android.
in android will not run well because there is no Terminal that the app is
corrected to.
You would be
better off using Log.(d)(v)(e)(i)(w) because there is something actively
monitoring LogCat.
will print to LogCat but only after an additional set of System instructions
making it not as efficient.
Ques 81. What is
Google Wallet?
Ans. Google
Wallet is a mobile payment system developed by Google that allows its users to
store debit cards credit cards loyalty cards and gift cards among other things
as well as redeeming sales promotions on their mobile phone.Google Wallet can
use near field communication (NFC) to make secure payments fast and convenient
by simply tapping the phone on any PayPass-enabled terminal at checkout.
Ques 82. What is
Ans. AAPT(Android
Asset Packaging Tool):which is used to list add and remove files in an APK
file package resources crunching PNG files etc.This tool allows you to view
create and update Zip-compatible archives (zip jar apk). It can also compile
resources into binary assets.The apk file for each app contains all of the
information necessary to run your application on a device or emulator such as
compiled .dex files (.class files converted to Dalvik byte code) a binary
version of the AndroidManifest.xml file compiled resources (resources.arsc) and
uncompiled resource files for your application.
Ques 83. What is
difference between sqlite and shared preferences in android?
Ans. Storing app
data is an essential requirement of most applications. Android lets your store
data using Shared Preferences and Sqlite database. You can use either of them
based on your requirement.
Preferences stores data as key-pairs only. Key is required to read data from
it. Reading and storing data in it is very simple .But it’s difficult to store
and read large structured data . It saves
primitives data type like string int booleans floats long etc. It is
best to use Shared Preferences when only small amount of data needs to be
stored eg few app settings user login /password etc.
Sqlite Database
It stores
structured data as a database. The data can be queried and hence this makes it
possible to search database. Reading data from sqlite database is slower and
more expensive than shared preferences. SQLite database is useful for just
about anything and very flexible. It is best to use Sqlite when the data to be
stored is large structured and required
searching .eg storing complete user details storing data fetched by http request etc.
Ques 84. Difference
between service and intentService When to use?
The Service can
be used in tasks with no UI but shouldn't be too long. If you need to perform
long tasks you must use threads within Service.
IntentService can be used in long tasks usually with no communication to Main
Thread. If communication is required can use Main Thread handler or broadcast
intents. Another case of use is when callbacks are needed (Intent triggered
How to trigger?
The Service is
triggered by calling method startService().
IntentService is triggered using an Intent it spawns a new worker thread and
the method onHandleIntent() is called on this thread.
Triggered From
The Service and
IntentService may be triggered from any thread activity or other application
Runs On
The Service runs
in background but it runs on the Main Thread of the application.
IntentService runs on a separate worker thread.
Limitations /
The Service may
block the Main Thread of the application.
IntentService cannot run tasks in parallel. Hence all the consecutive intents
will go into the message queue for the worker thread and will execute
When to stop?
If you implement
a Service it is your responsibility to stop the service when its work is done
by calling stopSelf() or stopService(). (If you only want to provide binding
you don't need to implement this method).
IntentService stops the service after all start requests have been handled so
you never have to call stopSelf().
![]() |
Android Interview QA |
Ques 85. What is
Ans. Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android is
a service that allows to send data from third party server (on which app is
running) to user’s Android-powered device which installed GCM integrated app
and also to receive messages from devices on the same connection. The GCM
service handles all aspects of queuing of messages and delivery to the target
Android application running on the target device and it is completely free.
It is light weight
message containing up to 4kb of payload data. GCM is completely free no matter
how big your messaging needs are and there are so far no quotas.
GCM connection
servers take messages from a 3rd-party application server (written by you) and
send them to a GCM-enabled Android application (the client app also written by
you) running on a device.
Need Google
Account if the device is running a version lower than Android 4.0.4
Ques 86. What are
the steps to process of GCM?
Android device
sends SENDER_ID to GCM server for registration.
After successful
registration GCM server return registration ID to Android Device.
After getting
registration ID android device send registration ID to web server.
Store GCM
registration ID in our database at server.
Whenever PUSH
notification needed get RegID from our database and send request to GCM with
RegID and message.
After got Push
notification request GCM send Push notification to Android device.
Ques 87. Key points
to integrate GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) in Android App?
Ans. 1. Crating Google API Project
Open the Google
Developers Consol.
Click on create
project input project name once project is created a page appears that displays
project ID and project Number like project number: 670330092345 later it will use in
project code to as GCM Sender ID.
2. Enabling
the GCM Service
To enable the
GCM service:
In the sidebar
on the left select APIs & auth.
In the displayed
list of APIs turn the Google Cloud Messaging for Android toggle to ON.
3. Obtaining
an API Key
To obtain an API
In the sidebar
on the left select APIs & auth > Credentials.
Under Public API
access click Create new key.
In the Create a
new key dialog click Server key.
In the resulting
configuration dialog supply your server's IP address. For testing purposes you
can use
Click Create.
In the refreshed
page copy the API key. You will need the API key later on to perform
authentication in your application server.
Once finish
these steps have to decide which type GCM connection server want to use HTTP or
Downstream only:
3rd-party app
servers send messages as HTTP POST requests and wait for a response. This
mechanism is synchronous and causes the sender to block before sending another
JSON messages
sent as HTTP POST.
Upstream and
downstream (device-to-cloud cloud-to-device).
3rd-party app
servers connect to Google infrastructure using a persistent XMPP connection and
send/receive messages to/from all their devices at full line speed. CCS sends
acknowledgment or failure notifications (in the form of special ACK and NACK
JSON-encoded XMPP messages) asynchronously.
JSON messages
encapsulated in XMPP messages.
Ques 88. What are
the permissions to use in manifest file to integrate GCM?
<uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET />
permission so
that Android application can send the registration ID to the 3rd party server.
android:name=android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE />
Network State
Permissions to detect Internet status
android:name=android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS />
permission as
GCM requires a Google account (necessary only if if the device is running a
version lower than Android 4.0.4)
android:name=android.permission.WAKE_LOCK />
permission so
the application can keep the processor from sleeping when a message is
received. Optional—use only if the app wants to keep the device from sleeping.
android:name=com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE />
permission so
the Android application can register and receive messages.
permission to
prevent other Android applications from registering and receiving the Android
application's messages. The permission name must exactly match this
pattern—otherwise the Android application will not receive the messages.
android:name=com.example.gcm.permission.C2D_MESSAGE />
Ques 89.How to
integrate PayPal with Android Application?
Ans. To
integrate the MPL into an Android app you need to:
Download the
Android Mobile Payments Library SDK from PayPal and include PayPal_MPL.jar and
the other necessary MPL components in your Android app.
Obtain an AppID
(for testing purposes use the PayPal Sandbox AppID).
Specify the
PayPal environment you're addressing (for example ENV_SANDBOX or ENV_LIVE) and
the business' PayPal Account as the receiver.
Calculate the
price of the item(s) or service to be purchased and input that value into your
MPL call.
Set the Payment
Make the MPL
payment call.
When you make
the call the customer is presented with an in-app PayPal log in screen and the
payment processing is completed within your app (there is no browser or webview
When the payment
flow is complete MPL returns control to your app.
Ques 90. How to
inject PayPal jar file in android app?
Ans. To add the library .jar file to an
eclipse project:
Right-click your
project in eclipse and select Properties.
Select Java
Build Path.
Select the
Libraries tab.
Select the Add
Jars button.
PayPal_MPL.jar from your folder structure and click OK.
Ques 91.What are the
permission need in manifest to integrate PayPal?
android:name=android.permission.INTERNET />
android:name=android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE />
Ques 92. What are
the programming steps to integrate Paypal with andoriud app?
Initialize the
library with the initWithAppID method.
public void
initLibrary() {
PayPal pp = PayPal.getInstance();
if (pp == null)
{ // Test to see if the library is
already initialized
// This main
initialization call takes your Context AppID and target server
pp =
PayPal.initWithAppID(this APP-80W284485P519543T PayPal.ENV_NONE);
// Required
// Set the
language for the library
// Some Optional
// Sets who pays
any transaction fees. Possible values are:
// true =
transaction requires shipping
= true;
Implement the
getPayButton method.
Add a delegate
to handle the response returned by the library.
The handler will
call one of three types (paymentSucceeded paymentCanceled paymentFailed) based
on the result.
public void
PayPalActivityResult(int requestCode int resultCode Intent intent) {
(resultCode) {
// The payment
String payKey =
// The payment
was canceled
// The payment
failed get the error from the EXTRA_ERROR_ID and EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE
String errorID =
errorMessage = intent.getStringExtra(PayPalActivity.EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE);
Ques 93. What are
the steps to integrate Facebook using Facebook SDK in android app?
Create a
Development Key Hash
Go to Facebook
login after login click on profile pick
will get drop-down list click on Developer
Setting and generate 28 character App ID
by putting Package Name App Name and Key Hashes.
Download the
Facebook SDK and unzip it and import the Facebook SDK in Eclipse by follow
Go to Eclipse's
File > Import Menu
Select General
> Existing Projects into Workspace
Browse to the
folder where you unzipped the SDK and click Open
projects into workspace' so sample projects retains a correct reference to the
neighboring SDK
Click Finish to
import the SDK.
To add the SDK
to an existing Android Project in Eclipse link your project to the
Facebook SDK library project you imported.
View the
properties for your project
Click Android
Click Add
FacebookSDK project from the workspace.
Then add your
Facebook App ID into your project's strings file:
Open your
res/values/strings.xml file
Add a new string
entry with the name facebook_app_id and value as your Facebook App ID
Update your
Android Manifest:
Open your
AndroidManifest.xml file
In the
Permissions tab add a new uses-permission: android.permission.INTERNET
In the
Application tab add new meta-data with the name com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId
and the value @string/facebook_app_id
Ques 94. What are
the steps to integrate Twitter using Twitter SDK in android app?
Ans. First of all
have to register in twitter and register your application and get application
id provided by twitter.
To register
application have to provide Application Name Description and Website(optional).
In the
permission select Read and Write option.
Go to
Application Setting tab and note down the API Key and API Secret to use in
[ private static
String CONSUMER_KEY = Your API Key here;
private static
String CONSUMER_SECRET = Your API Secret here;]
Download twitter
SDK(Twitter4j) and add with project by right click on project.
View the
properties for your project
Click Android
Click Add
Choose Twitter
SDK project from the workspace.
Ques 95. What’s so
special about Android?
Ans. Unlike the
proprietary iPhone operating system (now known as iOS) which is under the
complete control of Apple — and the same goes for Research in Motion’s
BlackBerry OS or Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform — Google released Android
as an open-source OS under the auspices of the Open Handset Alliance leaving
phone manufacturers (relatively) free to tweak Android as they see fit for a
given handset.
That’s one thing
that’s special about Android. Another thing is that it just happens to be a
really good OS the first one in the post-iPhone wireless era to really give
Apple a run for its money. Android may not be as sleek or polished as iOS
(that’s my humble opinion at least) but it’s fast and powerful with an
intuitive user interface that’s packed with options and flexibility. It’s also
being constantly improved courtesy of the big brains at Google making the
Android experience sleeker by the day.
Ques 96. Are Android
phones called Droids?
Ans. Not necessarily.
Droid is a brand name used by Verizon Wireless for its Android-based phones —
the Droid X the Droid Eris the Droid Incredible and so on. The HTC Evo 4G on
Sprint is not a Droid per se but it’s still an Android smartphone.
Ques 97. Why would I
(potentially) choose an Android phone over an iPhone?
Ans. Well for a
variety of reasons — although I should point out that I’m actually a fan of
both operating systems. (Sorry to disappoint the smartphone flame warriors out
One reason to go
the Google way is that Android phones boast tight integration with Google
services like Gmail Google Calendar Google Contacts and Google Voice — perfect
for anyone who uses Google for all their e-mails contacts and events. Indeed
one of the coolest things about Android phones is that the first time you fire
one up you enter your Google user name and password and voila: All your Google
messages contacts and other info start syncing into your new handset
automatically no desktop syncing needed.
Android is also
far more open when it comes to applications. Whereas Apple takes a walled garden
approach to its App Store Google won’t restrict you from installing apps that
aren’t featured in its official Android Marketplace. iPhone users on the other
hand must jailbreak their phones if they want to install apps that weren’t
approved by Apple for inclusion in the App Store.
Last but not
least because Android is open to all manufacturers a wide variety of Android
phones are available to choose from — big and small souped-up and pared-down
some with slide-out keyboards (good luck convincing Steve Jobs to put a
slide-out QWERTY on the iPhone) and some that are all-touchscreen all the time.
Indeed in the past few months a new Android phone has debuted practically every
week while we only get a single new iPhone each year.
Ques 98. What are
the downsides of Android?
Ans. Well if you ask
me the Android OS isn’t quite as forgiving to wireless beginners as the iPhone
is. Setting up your e-mail contacts and calendar on Android is a breeze (if
you’re all about Gmail that is) but when it comes to say your music and videos
you’re on your own with Android which lacks an official media syncing client
for the desktop. With the iPhone you do all your syncing on easy-to-use iTunes
which also lets you manage your e-mail accounts contacts apps and photos. Then
again you can only use iTunes for syncing the iPhone while Android users have a
variety of third-party options.
That’s just one
example but in general Android gives you more options and choices about how you
manage your phone and your mobile content — great for experienced and advanced
users but potentially intimating for new mobiles.
On the other
hand while beginners might appreciate the (usually) smooth user-friendly
experience that Apple has devised for the iPhone advanced users may (and often
do) get frustrated by Apple’s tight control over what they can and can't do on
the iPhone. It’s a trade-off plain and simple and your choice of platform
depends on what’s right for you.
Ques 99. What is
Mono for Android?
Ans. Mono for Android
is a software development kit that allows developers to use the C# language to
create mobile applications for Android-based devices.Mono for Android exposes
two sets of APIs the core .NET APIs that C# developers are familiar with as
well as a C# binding to Android's native APIs exposed through the
Mono.Android.* namespace.You can use Mono for Android to develop applications
that are distributed through the Android Application Stores or to deploy
software to your personal hardware or the Android simulator.
Ques 100. What is
included in Mono for Android?
Ans. Mono for Android
consists of the core Mono runtime the Mono for Android bindings to the native
Android APIs a Visual Studio 2010 plugin to develop Android applications and an
SDK that contains the tools to build debug and deploy your applicationsOur
Visual Studio 2010 plugin allows developers to use Visual Studio 2010 to
develop debug and deploy their applications to an Android simulator an Android
device or the Android Application Store.
Our MonoDevelop
IDE also ships an addin to support Mono for Android development.
Ques 101. What do I
need to develop Mono for Android applications?
Ans. Mono for Android
on Windows provides a plugin for Visual Studio 2010 Professional or better. We
also support Mono for Android development using MonoDevelop on Windows for
users that do not own a copy of Visual Studio 2010 Professional or better.Mono
for Android on Mac developers can use MonoDevelop.On all platforms Mono for
Android requires the Android SDK (which requires Java JDK).
Ques 102. What are
the features of Android 5.0 Lollipop (API level 21) ?
Android Runtime
(ART) with ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and improved garbage collection (GC)
replacing Dalvik that uses just-in-time (JIT) compilation.
Support for
64-bit CPUs
OpenGL ES 3.1
and Android Extension Pack (AEP) on supported GPU configurations
Vector drawables
which scale without losing definition
Support for
print previews
Material design
bringing a restyled user interface
Refreshed lock
screen no longer supporting widgets
notification tray and quick settings pull-down
Project Volta
for battery life improvements
Searches can be
performed within the system settings for quicker access to particular settings
Lock screen
provides shortcuts to application and notification settings
Guest logins and
multiple user accounts are available on more devices such as phones.
Audio input and
output through USB devices
Addition of 15
new languages: Basque Bengali Burmese Chinese (Hong Kong) Galician Icelandic
Kannada Kyrgyz Macedonian Malayalam Marathi Nepali Sinhala Tamil and Telugu
Tap and Go
allows users to quickly migrate to a new Android device using NFC and Bluetooth
to transfer Google Account details configuration settings user data and
installed applications.
flashlight-style application is included working on supported devices with a
camera flash.
priorities for application notifications
Ques 103. What are
the features of Android 4.4 KitKat (API level 19) ?
Immersive Mode
Now you can
switch to full-screen to see more and simply swipe from the top or bottom edge
of the screen to get the buttons back.
Ok Google
If you're
familiar with Google Glass then you'll know saying 'Ok Glass' will activate
voice control. Well the same is now true for your smartphone except you say 'Ok
Google'. This will let you voice search send a text get directions or play a
song - as long as you're on the homescreen on in Google Now.
Improved multi-tasking
Multi-tasking is
pretty good in Android already but Google says it's even better in KatKat
Low-power audio
Android 4.4
allows for more hours of audio playback up to 60 hours on Nexus 5 according to
Calls and messages
The new phone
app orders your contacts based on the ones to interact with most and you can
also search for contacts or nearby places in the search bar.
Now you can
print photos documents and web pages directly from your phone or tablet. You
can print to any printer connected to Google Cloud Print HP ePrint printers and
others that have apps in the Google Play Store.
Chrome web view
that embed web content now use Chrome to render web components accurately and
management built-in
If should lose
your precious smartphone or tablet you can find or remote wipe it with Google's
Android Device Manager.
Downloads app
Google has given
the Downloads app a redesigned adding a new sorting options plus list and grid
views for all the files you've er downloaded.
Easy home screen
If you love
customising to the extent that you have installed one or more home screen
replacements you can switch between them easily in 'Home' section of the
settings menu.
Email app
The Email app
has also had a makeover with a new look nested folders contact photos and
better navigation.
wallpapers with preview
Wallpapers now
display through the status bar and navigation bar. When picking a new wallpaper
you can preview what it will look like.
HDR+ photography
If you're
getting the Nexus 5 its HDR+ mode snaps a burst of photos and combines them to
give you the best possible single shot.
Android now
supports applications for remote control of TVs and other nearby devices if you
have an infrared (IR) transmitter.
Location in
Quick Settings
There is now a
new tile for location settings in the Quick Settings drop down menu.
Location modes
and monitoring
If you make your
battery last longer by constantly switching GPS Wi-Fi and mobile data on and
off then there's an easier way in KitKat. You can choose between 'high
accuracy' and 'battery-saving' location modes in the settings menu. You can
also see which apps have recently requested your location.
Music and
movie-seeking and artwork on the lock screen
From the lock
screen you can jump to a specific part of a song or video with a long press on
the play or pause buttons. Artwork is now fills the lockscreen too.
Secure app
sandboxes have been hardened with Security-Enhanced Linux.
Step counting
If you don't
want to spend money on a fitness gadget then the Nexus 5 can act as a pedometer
to count your steps. Google says updated hardware and software make this a more
battery-friendly way to measure your activity.
Ques 104. What is the difference between gravity and layout_gravity ?
android:gravity- sets the
gravity of the content of the View within its used on.
sets the gravity of the View or Layout with respect to its parent.
Ques 105. What is difference between padding and margin?
Padding is the space inside
the border between the border and the actual view's content. Note that padding
goes completely around the content: there is padding on the top bottom right
and left sides (which can be independent).
Margins are the
spaces outside the border between the border and the other elements next to
this view. In the image the margin is the grey area outside the entire object.
Note that like the padding the margin goes completely around the content: there
are margins on the top bottom right and left sides. In LinearLayout margin is
supported in AbsoluteLayout (considered obsolete now) - no.
Ques 106. What is marqueeRepeatLimit textview attribute in android?
The number of times to repeat
the marquee animation. Only applied if the TextView has marquee enabled.
marquee_forever or -1 Indicates
that marquee should repeat indefinitely.
Ques 107. What is Ems in android?
Ems is a typography term it
controls text size etc. but only when the layout_width is set to wrap_content.
Other layout_width values override the ems width setting.
Ques 108. What is dp and sp units?
Different screens have
different pixel densities so the same number of pixels may correspond to
different physical sizes on different devices.
When specifying dimensions always use either
or sp
is a density-independent pixel that
corresponds to the physical size of a pixel at 160 dpi.
A sp is the
same base unit but is scaled by the user's preferred text size (it’s a
scale-independent pixel) so you should use this measurement unit when defining
text size (but never for layout sizes).
Ques 109. What is the fundamental concept to generate images for different
size of screens?
Since Android runs in devices
with a wide variety of screen densities you should always provide your bitmap
resources tailored to each of the generalized density buckets: low medium high
and extra-high density. This will help you achieve good graphical quality and
performance on all screen densities.
To generate
these images you should start with your raw resource in vector format and
generate the images for each density using the following size scale:
xhdpi: 2.0
hdpi: 1.5
mdpi: 1.0
ldpi: 0.75
This means that
if you generate a 200x200 image for xhdpi devices you should generate the same
resource in 150x150 for hdpi 100x100 for mdpi and finally a 75x75 image for
ldpi devices.
Then place the
generated image files in the appropriate subdirectory under res/
xlarge screens
are at least 960dp x 720dp
large screens
are at least 640dp x 480dp
normal screens
are at least 470dp x 320dp
small screens
are at least 426dp x 320dp
Ques 110. What are the directories in an application that provides
different layout designs for different screen sizes and different bitmap
Following are the list of
resource directories in an application that provides different layout designs
for different screen sizes and different bitmap drawables for medium high and
extra-high-density screens.
res/layout/my_layout.xml // layout for normal screen size (default)
res/layout-large/my_layout.xml // layout for large screen size
res/layout-xlarge/my_layout.xml //
layout for extra-large screen size
// layout for extra-large in landscape
res/drawable-mdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for medium-density
res/drawable-hdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for high-density
res/drawable-xhdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for extra-high-density
res/drawable-xxhdpi/my_icon.png //
bitmap for extra-extra-high-density
Some values you
might use here for common screen sizes:
Ques 111.What are the different screen configurations for different
320 for devices with screen
configurations such as:
240x320 ldpi
(QVGA handset)
320x480 mdpi
480x800 hdpi
(high-density handset)
480 for screens
such as 480x800 mdpi (tablet/handset).
600 for screens
such as 600x1024 mdpi (7 tablet).
720 for screens
such as 720x1280 mdpi (10 tablet).
Ques 112. What is Screen Size?
Actual physical size measured
as the screen's diagonal.
For simplicity
Android groups all actual screen sizes into four generalized sizes: small
normal large and extra-large.
Ques 113. What is Screen density?
The quantity of pixels within
a physical area of the screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch). For
example a low density screen has fewer pixels within a given physical area
compared to a normal or high density screen.
For simplicity
Android groups all actual screen densities into six generalized densities: low
medium high extra-high extra-extra-high and extra-extra-extra-high.
Ques 114. What is Orientation?
The orientation of the screen
from the user's point of view. This is either landscape or portrait meaning
that the screen's aspect ratio is either wide or tall respectively. Be aware
that not only do different devices operate in different orientations by default
but the orientation can change at runtime when the user rotates the device.
Ques 115. What is Resolution?
The total number of physical
pixels on a screen. When adding support for multiple screens applications do
not work directly with resolution; applications should be concerned only with
screen size and density as specified by the generalized size and density
Ques 116. What is Density-independent pixel (dp)?
A virtual pixel unit that you
should use when defining UI layout to express layout dimensions or position in
a density-independent way.
density-independent pixel is equivalent to one physical pixel on a 160 dpi
screen which is the baseline density assumed by the system for a medium density
screen. At runtime the system transparently handles any scaling of the dp units
as necessary based on the actual density of the screen in use. The conversion
of dp units to screen pixels is simple: px = dp * (dpi / 160). For example on a
240 dpi screen 1 dp equals 1.5 physical pixels. You should always use dp units
when defining your application's UI to ensure proper display of your UI on
screens with different densities.
A set of six
generalized densities:
ldpi (low)
mdpi (medium)
hdpi (high)
(extra-high) ~320dpi
(extra-extra-high) ~480dpi
(extra-extra-extra-high) ~640dpi
xlarge screens
are at least 960dp x 720dp
large screens
are at least 640dp x 480dp
normal screens
are at least 470dp x 320dp
small screens
are at least 426dp x 320dp
Ques 117. How to start another Activity from one Activity?
Using Intent and
startActivity() method.
Intent intent =
new Intent(Activity1.this Activity2.class);
Ques 118. What is ViewHolder?
ViewHolder is use to smooth
scrolling of ListView which keep the application’s main thread free from heavy
A ViewHolder
object stores each of the component views inside the tag field of the Layout so
you can immediately access them without the need to look them up repeatedly.
Ques 119. How to implement ViewHolder programmatically?
First you need to create a
class to hold your exact set of views.
static class
ViewHolder {
TextView text;
ImageView icon;
int position;
Then populate
the ViewHolder and store it inside the layout.
holder = new ViewHolder();
holder.icon =
(ImageView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.listitem_image);
holder.text =
(TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.listitem_text);
= (ProgressBar) convertView.findViewById(R.id.progress_spinner);
Ques 120. What is getView ?
Get a View that displays the
data at the specified position in the data set. You can either create a View
manually or inflate it from an XML layout file. When the View is inflated the
parent View (GridView ListView...) will apply default layout parameters unless
you can use inflate(int android.view.ViewGroup boolean) to specify a root view
and to prevent attachment to the root.
Ques 121. Describe getView parameters?
public abstract View getView
(int position View convertView ViewGroup parent)
position: The position of the item within the
adapter's data set of the item whose view we want.
convertView: The old view to reuse if
possible.If it is not possible to convert this view to display the correct data
this method can create a new view.
Parent: The parent that this view will
eventually be attached to Returns.
Ques 122. What is Adapter?
An Adapter object acts as a
bridge between an AdapterView and the underlying data for that view. The
Adapter provides access to the data items. The Adapter is also responsible for
making a View for each item in the data set.
Ques 123. How many types of Adapter are used in Android?
Three types of Adapter are
used in Android:
: It esxtends BaseAdapter and implement Filterable.
A concrete BaseAdapter that is backed by an array of arbitrary objects. By
default this class expects that the provided resource id references a single
TextView. If you want to use a more complex layout use the constructors that
also takes a field id. That field id should reference a TextView in the larger
layout resource.
It esxtends BaseAdapter and implement
Filterable. The Cursor must include a column named _id or this class will not
work. Additionally using MergeCursor with this class will not work if the
merged Cursors have overlapping values in their _id columns.
It extends ResourceCursorAdapter. An easy adapter to map columns from a cursor
to TextViews or ImageViews defined in an XML file. You can specify which
columns you want which views you want to display the columns and the XML file
that defines the appearance of these views.
Ques 124. Explain ArrayAdapter parameters?
public ArrayAdapter (Context
context int resource int textViewResourceId)
current context.
resource: The
resource ID for a layout file containing a layout to use when instantiating
textViewResourceId: The id of the TextView within the
layout resource to be populated.
Ques 125. Explain CursorAdapter parameters?
public CursorAdapter (Context
context Cursor c boolean autoRequery)
that allows control over auto-requery. It is recommended you not use this but
instead CursorAdapter(Context Cursor int). When using this constructor
context: The
c: The cursor
from which to get the data.
autoRequery: If
true the adapter will call requery() on the cursor whenever it changes so the
most recent data is always displayed. Using true here is discouraged.
Ques 126. Explain SimpleCursorAdapter parameters?
public SimpleCursorAdapter (Context
context int layout Cursor c String[] from int[] to int flags)
context: The
context where the ListView associated with this SimpleListItemFactory is
layout: resource
identifier of a layout file that defines the views for this list item. The
layout file should include at least those named views defined in to
c: The database
cursor. Can be null if the cursor is not available yet.
from: A list of
column names representing the data to bind to the UI. Can be null if the cursor
is not available yet.
to: The views that should display column in the from
parameter. These should all be TextViews. The first N views in this list are
given the values of the first N columns in the from parameter. Can be null if
the cursor is not available yet.
flags: Flags
used to determine the behavior of the adapter as per CursorAdapter(Context
Cursor int).
Ques 127. How to communicate one fragment to another fragment?
All Fragment-to-Fragment
communication is done through the associated Activity. Two Fragments should
never communicate directly.
To allow a
Fragment to communicate up to its Activity you can define an interface in the
Fragment class and implement it within the Activity. The Fragment captures the
interface implementation during its onAttach() lifecycle method and can then call
the Interface methods in order to communicate with the Activity.
Ques 128. Programmatically how to send values from one to another fragment?
ArticleFragment newFragment = new ArticleFragment();
Bundle args =
new Bundle();
transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
Ques 129. How to pass value from one Activity to another Activity?
Using intent can pass value
from one Activity to another Activity.
Intent intent =
new Intent(Activity1.this Activity2.class);
Get data in
String message=i.getStringExtras(Key);
Ques 130. How to pass int value from one Activity to another Activity?
Using intent can pass value
from one Activity to another Activity.
Activity 1:
Intent intent =
new Intent(Activity1.this Activity2.class);
Activity 2:
Intent intent =
int temp =
intent.getIntExtra(int_value 0); // here 0 is the default value
Ques 131. How to pass image from one Activity to another Activity?
Can pass image using two methods
from one Activity to another Activity.
Method One:
Activity 1:
intent=new Intent(Activity1.this Activity2.class);
bundle=new Bundle();
Activity :2
Method Two:
Activity 1:
Bitmap bitmap=
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
100 baos);
byte[] b =
intent=new Intent(Activity1.this Activity2.class);
Bundle extras =
byte[] b =
Bitmap bmp =
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(b 0 b.length);
ImageView image
= (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView1);
Ques 132. How to expose your private data to other applications?
Android provides a way for
expose even private data to other applications with a content provider. A
content provider is an optional component that exposes read/write access to
your application data.
Ques 133. What is Shared Preferences?
The SharedPreferences class
provides a general framework that allows you to save and retrieve persistent
key-value pairs of primitive data types. You can use SharedPreferences to save
any primitive data: booleans floats ints longs and strings. This data will
persist across user sessions.It also create the user preference to choose the
user prefer setting selection.
Ques 134. How to get shared preferences?
To get a SharedPreferences
object for your application use one of two methods:
- Use this if you need multiple preferences files identified by name which you
specify with the first parameter.
- Use this if you need only one preferences file for your Activity. Because
this will be the only preferences file for your Activity you don't supply a
Ques 135. How to read and write value in shared preferences?
To write
sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
editor = sharedPref.edit();
Call edit() to
get a SharedPreferences.Editor.
Add values with
methods such as putBoolean() and putString().
Commit the new
values with commit()
To read value
To retrieve
values from a shared preferences file call methods such as getInt() and
getString() providing the key for the value you want
sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
defaultValue = getResources().getInteger(R.string.saved_high_score_default);
long highScore
= sharedPref.getInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score) defaultValue);
Ques 136. What is REST?
REST stands for
Representational State Transfer. (It is sometimes spelled ReST.) It relies on a
stateless client-server cacheable communications protocol -- and in virtually
all cases the HTTP protocol is used.
REST is an
architecture style for designing networked applications. The idea is that
rather than using complex mechanisms such as CORBA RPC or SOAP to connect
between machines simple HTTP is used to make calls between machines.
In many ways
the World Wide Web itself based on HTTP can be viewed as a REST-based
architecture. RESTful applications use HTTP requests to post data (create
and/or update) read data (e.g. make queries) and delete data. Thus REST uses
HTTP for all four CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations.
REST is a
lightweight alternative to mechanisms like RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) and Web
Services (SOAP WSDL et al.). Later we will see how much more simple REST is.
Despite being
simple REST is fully-featured; there's basically nothing you can do in Web
Services that can't be done with a RESTful architecture. REST is not a standard.
There will never be a W3C recommendataion for REST for example. And while there
are REST programming frameworks working with REST is so simple that you can
often roll your own with standard library features in languages like Perl Java
or C#.
One of the best
reference I found when I try to find the simple real meaning of rest.
REST is using
the various HTTP methods (mainly GET/PUT/DELETE) to manipulate data.
applications use HTTP requests to post data (create and/or update) read data
(e.g. make queries) and delete data. Thus REST uses HTTP for all four CRUD
(Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations.
Ques 137. REST vs SOAP
A nice analogy for REST vs.
SOAP is mailing a letter: with SOAP you're using an envelope; with REST it's a
postcard. Postcards are easier to handle (by the receiver) waste less paper
(i.e. consume less bandwidth) and have a short content. (Of course REST
requests aren't really limited in length esp. if they use POST rather than
But don't carry
the analogy too far: unlike letters-vs.-postcards REST is every bit as secure
as SOAP. In particular REST can be carried over secure sockets (using the HTTPS
protocol) and content can be encrypted using any mechanism you see fit. Without
encryption REST and SOAP are both insecure; with proper encryption in place
both are equally secure.
Ques 138. What do you know about
AIDL stands for Android Interface Definition
Language. It offers to define the client’s interface requirements and moreover
a service in order to communicate at same level with the help of inter process
139. What is ANR?
Ans. ANR stands for Application Not Responding a
dialog that appears when an application doesn’t respond for more than 10
seconds. It shows the option of force closing the application.
Ques 140. What is the role of
Orientation is used to determine the presentation
of LinearLayout. It may be presented in rows or columns.
Ques 141. List the data types
supported in AIDL?
AIDL supports string list map charSequence and
all type of native java type data types.
Ques 142. What method does Android
follow to track applications?
It is done by assigning each application with
a unique ID (referred as Linux User ID).The question and answer section above
is meant for a newbie to an experienced developer. Moreover these questions are
also arranged by surveying the common question types in an interview which may
help a candidate to prepare beforehand getting acquainted of some basic queries
in relation to implied technology.
Ques 143.What is the upcoming
version of Android OS?
Ans. Android M is the upcoming
version for Android OS.
Ques 144. Describe some feature
of upcoming version Android M?
- App permissions
- Power Saving Doze mode
- Apps Auto Backup
- App Links
- Fingerprint support
- Mobile payments
- RAM manager
- Adoptable Storage Devices
- Google Now
- Google Photos
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